September Jam Nite – OAKVILLE
Geared towards helping students perform in an ensemble. This is a laid back, casual jam session hosted by our Band Chops Coordinator – Mike Siracusa. This event is open to Merriam Music students only. Walk-ins are welcomed but you must be registered in order to be guaranteed stage time.
Merriam Music will be offering two different levels of Jam Nite:
Junior Jam Nite @ 6:00 – 6:50pm: for ages 8 – 11 yrs or Junior 3 – 4 Keyfest Levels (must know a major scale up to 2 sharps and flats)
Jam Nite @ 7:00 – 8:15pm: for ages 12 yrs and up or Intermediate levels and up
Next Jam Nite will take place on Friday September 29th
Due to the nature of the event, this will not be included in the student’s year-end video log. Audience permitted, however a live stream will be available for family and friends to enjoy from home as well.
This recital is eligible for our Events Participation Rewards Program. Please present your stamp card to the front desk on the day of the event.
This event is included in the student’s tuition. Limited availability for each session.